Tag Archives: optimism

a post containing everything random.

Every time I click “new post” on wordpress, I immediately think of “owl post” and practically squee with Harry Potter excitement. I s’pose that’s why I’m such an awful blogger.
I have a habit of only updating my blog when I’m feeling rotten or absolutely happy or excited. That leaves my usual content mood neglected in terms of writing. If I only write when I’m feeling an extreme emotion, I will get into that habit and the karma gods will leave my content forever. Which isn’t awful, of course, but extreme emotions leave me feeling refreshed and a bit less numb. I feel as if I am rambling and making absofruitly no sense. ❤ Love love love.
I have this button that my good friend Beth gave me for my birthday that is just laying on my shelf and I want to put it on my backpack. Hold on readers. It looks really awkward and stupid. *sigh* I am real fidgety right now and all of these thoughts are shaking around in my brain and trying to be typed all at once and shut shut shut up thoughts. Where did my dad go? I’ve lost him! Oh, he went to the grocery. Wooo.
One thing I really love about my dad is that today, randomly, in the car, he said “whooo whoooo, owls!” That made me laugh a whole lot.
Okay, the red and yellow button on my backpack looked so ridiculous. My backpack is black, with green, pink, and purple polka dots on it. It clashed too much. So I took a black and white button off of my weekend messenger bag, put that on my backpack, and put the birthday button on my messenger bag. It’s totally nerd. I just found a black button that says “beware of dog” that my other good friend Elise gave to me in 7th grade after her trip to a Florida or something. I think it looks pretty kickass.

Okay so this photo was really hard to capture. If I tried to lay on my stomach, I had to wrap my legs around/under this shelf thing and ended up cracking my back pretty badly. So my legs/feet were forced into the photo. Ahh well. The things I do for this blog. 🙂
My favorite thing about my blog is that I don’t need to make a big giant statement or swear or … make bold statements or anything. Just sitting down and typing out my thoughts, as rare as it can be with school, is so powering. I don’t feel the need to be cool or witty or intelligent, just myself. ❤

I totally already drew an owl in it. And a turtle. And a monkey. ❤ …and wrote “owl” in mascara. The title of the notebook is: “Shhhh…” “Hooooot…” by Marissa Last!Name [a nerdy exploration of thoughts]
Ugh, I hate it when people IM me and I totally lose my train of thought because they need me to read their freaking blog right away because it is so damn crucial that they can’t wait until I read it later with all of the other blogs that accumulate throughout the day. MAYBE I AM DOING SOMETHING, HUH?! YEAH. MAYBE I AM PLAYING POKEMON OR WRITING A POEM OR KISSING A BOY. I HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOW. I am just kidding, I love my toasticle. ❤ [oh, I’d just like to add that the suggested spelling for “toasticle” on Firefox is “toastmistress”. I love the internet.]
I’d just like to say that I love the FiveAwesomeGirls together and seperately and nerimon and the Chamber of Secrets forum and NetNewsWire and all the aspects of my life that are contained in my shiny macbook and it’s glorious connection to my internet life.

Okay, so, this blog is going absolutely no where and I am a little bit ashamed but not really because who gives a crap? I’m happy happy happy despite the awfulness in my life and optimism is my best friend and I love focusing on the positive things in my life, not the negative and ahhhhh ❤


Filed under Extreme Randomness