Tag Archives: sloshing

frozen peas.

Frozen peas are quite possibly my favorite snack ever. I don’t really know why, I just like them. Put a bunch of those little frozen freaks into a bowl and hunker down with some tv and just chow. They’re healthy and cold and perfect for a summer’s day, and they’re one of those snacks that taste better while you’re in your pajamas. I just finished a bowl, and now my tummy is sloshing all around as I type this on my belly, feet in the air. The toes are free from their socks and wiggling about. I totally just looked up and saw their shadow being broadcasted on the wall and they are all fidgety. Oh lord, I don’t know what’s really happening to me, but those peas are making me feel awfully silly. I want to make something all of a sudden. In the kitchen. I haven’t seen my favorite cooking buddy in like two weeks and so I haven’t really made anything, and I’m starting to get the itch. Would it be funny if I made pesto at like 1am? I’d have to be so quiet. But I had pesto like two nights ago. Or ramen? But that’s not really “making” anything. I’d totally make brownies if 1) I wasn’t saving them or 2) the smell wouldn’t wake up my dad. Hmmm… I’ll figure it out.

I’m back at my dad’s house after spending 1.5 days at my mom’s, and I’m really glad to be back. I really actually like my mom’s house because my mom’s been in a good mood lately and Lucy and Sammy are there and the tv and my nice room, but I’ve missed that feeling that comes with being in biking distance of most of your friends. And tomorrow I’m going to take another one of those dog walks I’ve been talking about. And I may even walk in the afternoon, in broad daylight. And I kind of just love how peaceful everything is here. It’s just this kind of indescribable peace and worry-free environment (I mean, worries such as family problems or anxiety-induced ghosts, I still worry about things here, obviously. life doesn’t stop for M’s dad’s house) that I was really glad to come back to.

Oh lord, my song, Taking the Punishment, just came up on iTunes shuffle and before I realized what it was, I started humming along. And then I started singing, I mean, the singing of myself, on the track. And then I felt dumb. And now I’m kind of starting to realize that I miss my collab channel. I made a video this week and all, but it’s not the same as when everyone made videos and we had theme weeks and all of that. But I used to view the whole thing completely differently, so I can understand that not everyone would want to go back to daily, required videos. And sometimes having to do something completely takes the fun out of it. And it’s not like I don’t talk to my channelmates, I mean, I play banangrams with half of them on a regular basis and one of them is my best friend so we talk quite frequently and the other one I’m talking to right now, but still. I kind of miss the whole collab channel unity feeling. Or maybe this song is just making me feel nostalgic. I don’t really know. But when I wasn’t stressing over it, making and watching daily sexymacaroni videos was always fun. So, I pick my song for song of the day. Even if that’s totally cocky or something.


Filed under BEDJ 2, Jitter-Induced, Pieces of My Life