Tag Archives: spectacles on owls = cute

magical sneezing ftw?

My elementary school best friend and I both have moms that have this date as their birthday. Every year, even though we don’t talk that much normally, we text each other to wish each other’s mom happy birthday. It’s the best tradition, really. It just makes me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of texting, I silenced Twitter updates on my phone. It was a hard decision, but I got kind of tired of getting excited when my phone made that happy little “ding-ding!” and it was Twitter. I mean, I still read the updates on my desktop/phone client, so it’s not like I don’t care. And I can still direct message and send updates, but I feel a little more… free now, I guess. When I get a text, even though it’s less common, it’s actually a message for me. And then I get so excited. So, it’s worth it.

Have you ever written something in a notebook or on an index card or on the corner of some old math notes, and then looked back at it later and wondered what the hell it was? I found an owl scribbled in the margins of this old notebook from last year with the words, in cursive, “four weeks/28 days/4 Wednesdays/make it count”. I don’t know what this meant, why Wednesdays were significant, and if I did make it count, but I really hope I did. But don’t mistake my serious margin writing for what it naturally for me, on the previous page it says, “I LOVE AUDIOBOOKS SO MUCH WITH ALL MY HEARD AND SOUL FOR SERIOUS ZOMG LOL <3". Yeah. Sexay.

This notebook is brilliant, because it has twenty-five and a half owls drawn in it. This was in the spring of 9th grade, and when my owl obsession was completely insane. I miss those times sometimes. The notebook also has corny song quotes and things that say, "I love MInistry of Magic!" and "I just sneezed three times. It was magical." I'm sure it was magical, past self M-Dawg, I'm sure. ๐Ÿ˜›

People wonder why I keep all of my notebooks (ordered chronologically at my mom's house and by size/type at my dad's house, as they are stacked rather than aligned horizontally) from years and years ago. And it's because looking back on the ridiculously weird/cryptic/cute/snilarious/strange-ass things that I wrote or doodled is so much fun. It probably plays into one of the reasons I love psychology so much. I mean, I get to analyze my past self and they way she wrote or her voice in the writing or her handwriting or whatever, and see how I've changed, or in some cases, not changed. But some people, who don't really have notebooks outside of school ones, don't quite understand that. But, alas, it's their loss, really.

On another subject, I tried to play Sims 2 this afternoon to distract my thinking-thinking-thinking-like-crazay mind, but the old and rickety desktop that I use for gaming wouldn't respond to the monitor and it all turned to hell. Wow, that was a long sentence. But anyways, I was sad. And now I'm thinking about buying Sims 3 for my MacBook, but I'm not sure. It's 50 smackers, and I've heard some rumors about it not being as fun. But… the genetics! And the customizable clothing options! Guh, I dunno. What do you guys think? I hardly ever have homework anymore, and I need something to fill my time with. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Alright, homesly, itโ€™s time to go. Iโ€™m actually writing this at 5:41pm, and Iโ€™m off to order all of my Christmas gifts. Not my Christmas gifts, but the ones Iโ€™m buying for my friends and family. Iโ€™m a doofus. Later!


Filed under Pieces of My Life, Thoughtfulness