Tag Archives: fall

buttcrack cake.

How gross would buttcrack cake be? I’m not really sure what I’m talking about right now, because I’m finding it really hard to focus. Which isn’t unusual, I’m usually doing a million other things while blogging, but tonight my attention just keeps straying from what I’m supposed to be talking about, and even as I write this, I’m not sure what I’m saying or why I’m saying it, it keeps pouring out of my fingers like some weird kind of weirdness and I’m really confused as to what’s currently happening. That was one hell of a run-on sentence. I put on my hat and turned out the lights in some hope that that would make me focus a little bit better. So far it’s not really working. Oh god, this isn’t even writer’s block, it’s like brain block. I hate this. Run away, brain demons a foot! “Lolololol.” Oh my god, I need to flee. But I can’t flee from a blog where I’ve only written 164 words! That’s illegal, so very illegal.

I’m starting to realize that my sleep patterns are even more messed up than I had originally thought. I slept until 2pm today. I made the mistake of not setting a cautionary 11am alarm, and I woke up and it was 1:56pm. I was just so disgusted with my self. Half of the day is gone. I sort of just felt guilty. For the day that I had missed. Which I suppose it kind of weird, but I don’t really care. I felt guilty for it. But it actually turned out okay because I had an actual productive day. I sorted out most of my clothes, folding and organizing wise, and then I spent like four hours at my neighbor’s house, which is something I haven’t done in a long time because I just kind of grew up and grew away from them. It was awkward at first and I kept wanting to flee, but I didn’t. We ate pizza and talked and it was actually really nice. And it felt good to be around people besides my parents. All of my friends have been busy lately, at festivals or at jobs, and although next week I’ll go back to having people to hang out with and things to do, I had sort of a lame and boring week. I mean, the first day or two alone were good, but after a while… being cooped up in a house by yourself with nothing but Bananagrams and Jon & Kate Plus 8 can begin to drive you mad. So I’m feeling a lot more sane and tuned into the social world again. Which is very refreshing.

I’m not really sure what’s wrong with me, but I am sort of getting that itch for fall. And for school to start. And I keep internally kicking myself because I hate homework and having to sit in class for hours on end, bored out of my mind, but I miss certain things like jeans and sweaters and opening my locker and seeing people I’m not close enough to to see in the summer. I miss the people I ate lunch with and the feeling of a weekend you truly earned by kicking your own ass all week and… I don’t know. It’s weird and I know I should be enjoying my summer, but I just get these pangs for school sometimes. Plus, I wanna show off my new style. 😉 Anyway, the song of the day is Love and Affection by Neon Trees and if I song could be delicious, this would be it.

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Filed under BEDJ 2, Extreme Randomness, Pieces of My Life


I am not blogging. This is not good. I’m just sitting here, window open, and I am totally not blogging. I am watching YouTube videos and Skyping (just chat, though) and having really strange conversations on Facebook chat, and I think I keep fiddling with Bananagram tiles. But I’m not blogging. Except, I am now, now that I’m talking about not blogging, I technically am blogging, and now my head is beginning to hurt. Except not really, my head isn’t really hurting at all. I keep rambling on and not truly saying anything because I’m afraid that if I stop, I’ll stop writing all together, and that would be bad. Because it is BEDJ and I have to write! I haftahaftahafta, and if I don’t, I’ll lose. I’ll lose! Okay, I’m going to stop writing to do the nightly routine. Because that always inspires me.

I have returned. I got soap in my hair and I’m having another smiley attack. Let’s motor forward! I just had this brilliant idea of how to get over my blogger’s block. But let me first tell you about Bananagrams. On the last night that I spent at Nora’s house with her, we played this game called Bananagrams. It’s this game, sort of life scrabble, except you’re to make your own separate crossword. It comes in this adorable pouch that is shaped and colored like a banana and there are words- all pertaining to bananas- that you shout. It’s nerdy and goofy and ridiculously fun, and ever since that night, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. So, last night I looked it up online and found that you can play it on Facebook. And there’s an iPod touch app for it. (Which I totally bought.) And then today, I went to Target and bought the game. I’m slowly creeping into everyone’s life and either asking them if they’ve played it or forcing them to consider playing it with me. I’m just so addicted. And so this is my plan: start a round of Bananagrams by myself, and then have to blog about the first word I find in the pile of 21 tiles. It may be lame, it may suck, but I’m going to do it. Mostly because I’m looking for any excuse to play this game. And it makes me feel closer to N-Dawg, so, win win.

Hehe. Gourd. That was the first word I picked out. I love gourds. Almost every year, we (my mom and I) go to the pumpkin farm to pick out pumpkins, and I’m always allowed to pick out a gourd or two. My favorites were those little teeny pumpkins (I would always draw faces on them and keep them on my desk until they started to wilt) and those funny round-shaped ones with the handle on them. You know, those ones that if you keep in the pantry for a while, the seeds inside of them will harden and make a maraca of sorts? Or at least, that’s what my mom told me. They never seemed to turn out. But I’m determined and will get a handle-y gourd next year, and the year after. And this whole thing sparks a question: what is your favorite part of the fall?

I want the song of the day to be something by Mat Kearney, so I think I’m going to pick Breathe In, Breathe Out, because my day kind of sucked anxiety wise and that was pretty much my mantra. And Mat’s voice is gorgeous. Check him out. I think you should. Do it.


Filed under BEDJ 2, Pieces of My Life, Thoughtfulness

autumny goodness.

I guess it’s hard to explain, really, my love of the autumn. Maybe it’s the return of the sweaters and jeans and sneakers. Or maybe it’s the soups and chilis and other hearty fall dishes that you just don’t see in the summer. Or maybe it’s the way that everything smells, fresh and clean and new. Like a new beginning, a time to make new impressions and new friends and a new self. School starts and you have new spiral notebooks and new bolígrafos (pens) and new classes and new… everything. It’s fresh and new and wonderful, and I love it. I think that it’s all of those things, that make me fall in love with autumn every year. The beautiful smells, the gorgeous sights, it all just makes me so happy. =]

I love the other seasons too, of course. You can’t even imagine how excited I get on that first fateful morning, when I open up my draperies and a cozy white blanket covering the world. Or when I walk out of the house, crankily expecting to find cold and despair in some random day in March, when it smells like Spring. This wonderful fruity smell, warning us that spring is right around the corner. (This reminds me of something that I wrote on this here blog ages ago. Let me go back and find it! Hehe, oh here, if you were wondering. Oh wow, it’s surprising how I describe that smell so similarly to how I did six months ago. I guess I haven’t changed as much as I thought!) And nothing can beat that wonderful morning where you can put shorts and a tshirt on instead of jeans and a sweater. Don’t get me wrong, I love sweaters with all my heart, but it feels nice to shed them in June. Like a snake sheds it’s skin, or something. Oooh, that just reminds me of the basilisk, that creepy long skin of awesome.

So, you guys, tell me something. Tell me what your favorite season is. What your favorite type of weather is. Que tiempo hace? (What’s the weather like?) It would please me to no end to know. Honestly, I love hearing about weather and giddyness and things that just make other people shine. I’m in a rare form tonight, sipping my caffeine-free diet coke (like the cool kids drink xD) and wearing a fancy shirt as I type this. I feel quite professional, despite the fact that I’m wearing jeans and flip flops. Life is just crazy and awesome and a roller-coaster of emotions, and honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way. ❤

PS. This blog is coming at you in real time tonight, folks. I am actually awake at 10:22PM. Oh well, it's worth this feeling of contentment and professionalism. And because I haven't said it in a while… HUZZAH!
Except just as I wrote that, my nose began running. Whoops, I better go catch it! Hehehe, goodnight guys.


Filed under Thoughtfulness